Request a Valuation

We are happy to help you with a valuation request for your property. We will need some information from you so that we can direct you to the best team member to assist you. In order for us to do so efficiently please provide us with as much detail as possible. Please note that an accurate valuation may require a physical inspection of the property by us and if you require the valuation in writing there may be an administrative fee to pay to provide the necessary details.

At nest we understand that sometimes you may be seeking a valuation for a property without the intention of selling or moving, we can still help you. While our standard valuation service is free for those who are actively looking to sell their property, we offer an alternative option for those who simply want to know the price of their property for personal or remortgage reasons. This alternative valuation can be conducted without the need for a formal written report. Instead, we can provide a more casual discussion and general information about comparable properties in your area. This way, you can still gain an understanding of your property's value without incurring any charges. Please be assured that we value honesty and transparency in our dealings with our clients. If you're seeking a valuation for non-selling purposes, we appreciate your honesty about your intentions.

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